The Humming Heart

Expressing The Inexpressible

Breathe in
Hold on to it
Until each part of you feels numb
A little bit more
Until it hurts
And you can no longer
Keep it in

Breathe out
Let it go
Until every pain passes away
Leaving just an empty shell
An indistinct rattling
No one but your ears picked

The void left
Will be awkward at first
You'll get used to it little by little
I know you tried your best

"It's alright now"
Even if I tell you so
The words may sound flimsy

Each heavy breath released
How long did you lock it in?
Weighing you down
It’s amazing how you moved till now

"Everything will be fine"
Even if I tell you so
It may not sound comforting

Each sigh no matter how small
Must have torn you piece by piece
However hard I try
I fail to phantom the depth of it

"I understand"
Even if I tell you so
You may mock at its insincerity

Still I want you to know
Even if you get out of breath
I am not blaming you
Everybody makes mistakes from time to time
So don’t beat yourself too hard
Just take a moment
Breathe in, Breathe out
You can always restart

 "It's okay"
Even if I tell you so
You won’t believe me

So for now, 
I’ll just embrace you
And tell you,
“For all your hard work
My Dear self, Thank You”


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About this blog

The heart hums something about the ineffable. It’s trying to give you a glimpse into the enigma. You can understand it, yet you can never understand it completely. It is elusive, it escapes. It is within reach, but it is not within grasp. You are always coming closer and closer to it, but you may never arrive. Still the heart waits with hope for the day someone arrives, when the distinction between the seeker and the sought disappears!


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