The Humming Heart

Expressing The Inexpressible

Was it today or yesterday?
That I decided to forget you
Let go off our memories together
Give up on all the things we used to do

Tearing myself piece by piece
Throwing away unfinished dreams
Loosing myself step by step
Forgetting if it’s the end or the beginning

It isn’t easy to change the past
And even if you try hard
It’s never possible to erase memories
A part of me trying to let go
While the other part desperately holding on
Figuring out where my support lies
Is the question that kept haunting me

Time and time again I replay in my mind
The moments we spent together
Trying to alter things that would turn it
Into a picture perfect scene
But a story of harmony is a mere hallucination
And living with reality is not so easy

So I kept tearing myself piece by piece
Throwing away unfinished dreams
Loosing myself step by step
Forgetting if it’s the end or the beginning

Walking away from places we have been
Erasing your traces left around me
Transforming my old self apart a thousand leagues
Now my own reflection doesn’t recognize me

But even though I tried a million times
After all the hardships I went through
The one thing I couldn’t change was
The me that loves you ...


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About this blog

The heart hums something about the ineffable. It’s trying to give you a glimpse into the enigma. You can understand it, yet you can never understand it completely. It is elusive, it escapes. It is within reach, but it is not within grasp. You are always coming closer and closer to it, but you may never arrive. Still the heart waits with hope for the day someone arrives, when the distinction between the seeker and the sought disappears!


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