The Humming Heart

Expressing The Inexpressible

When they said love is like a fairytale
I imagined glittering stars and shimmering lights
Just like one of those street festivals
Which transports you to a different time

So how come they never spoke of the dark alleys?
The shadows that cloud your eyes
So that you may never again remember
What it felt to live under the sunlight

When they said love is a single soul inhabiting two bodies
I imagined a world without loneliness
Just like the moon enwrapped in the velvety night

So how come they never spoke of indifference?
The impenetrable distance between the hearts
Memories of alikeness turned into fraudulence
That you no longer identify the truth from all the pretense

When they said love is about sharing stories
I imagined exchanging never ending tales
story of the past, story of the present
And weaving a saga together about the future

So how come they never spoke of the silence
The unbreakable stillness in the absence of words
That speaking your mind seems to be a crime
And you surrender to ignorance just to survive

Slowly you forget the reason
Why you were so fascinated with the idea of falling in love?
All the fiction they crafted distorting your realism

So in the end who was wrong?
Was it they?
Who fabricated love’s tall tales
Or was it me?
Who found the wrong love


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About this blog

The heart hums something about the ineffable. It’s trying to give you a glimpse into the enigma. You can understand it, yet you can never understand it completely. It is elusive, it escapes. It is within reach, but it is not within grasp. You are always coming closer and closer to it, but you may never arrive. Still the heart waits with hope for the day someone arrives, when the distinction between the seeker and the sought disappears!


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