The Humming Heart

Expressing The Inexpressible


The shiny star took a tumble
Down it fell into million pieces
The broken shreds shattered my hopes for today
Told me, the days to come won’t harmonize to my way
Sad and scared, I stared down at the glistening pieces
As covered in dirt they stayed.

Help me, won’t you?
With the task I intend to do
Positive & confident,
I’m gonna wash away all the gloom.

I picked up the remains
Determined to put them together,
Make them beautiful and pristine
Wishing they would stay like that forever,
But never was something so impossible to do
For all I was left with were scratches and wounds,
Each prick reminding me that
The days of light will be covered in shadows of doom.

Help me, won’t you?
For this task is hard to do
Lost & alone,
Drowning in the gloom.

Hold me tight & raise me high,
I wish to put up some new stars in the sky
Tell me, we’ll make it through
& one day wish all our worries goodbye.


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About this blog

The heart hums something about the ineffable. It’s trying to give you a glimpse into the enigma. You can understand it, yet you can never understand it completely. It is elusive, it escapes. It is within reach, but it is not within grasp. You are always coming closer and closer to it, but you may never arrive. Still the heart waits with hope for the day someone arrives, when the distinction between the seeker and the sought disappears!


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